We pride ourselves on working together with logistics providers from start to finish, supplying temperature-controlled and sample transport logistics packaging for both global large-scale projects, and more bespoke packaging for specialist shipments.
Logistics Packaging Solutions
As experts in both Category A and B compliant sample transport, and achieving temperature control for a variety of payload types, we’re able to offer complete packaging solutions for your logistics operations.
Technical Support
We offer a range of market-leading technical services tailored to design, develop and qualify custom solutions to meet your needs.
Our services are centered around four key areas:
- thermal testing
- virtual testing
- physical testing
- product development.
Whether it’s an entirely new, bespoke packaging solution, or small amends to our range of off-the-shelf sample transport and cold chain packaging solutions, our Technical Services team can support you with your needs.
Global Supply
With offices and distributors on every continent, our products and services are available across the U.K., Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, and North and South America.
Whether your logistics operations are local, national, or global, we can support you with our wide range of logistics packaging solutions.
Click the button below to find your local office or distributor, and discover how they can service your sample transport, or cold chain logistics packaging needs.
Get in Touch
Communication and flexibility are crucial when creating the packaging solution; our sales experts can offer advice on the transportation of a wide variety of payloads.
Our team can help you: