Animal Health - BSE Spoons

Intelsius was incorporated as DGP Group in 1998, when the company developed a unique packaging solution designed for the transportation of samples suspected of containing the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, or “Mad Cow Disease”) prion. DGP Group became the first UN-certified BSE sample shipper in the world, within a year.

Sample Extraction Tool
Ergonomically designed, this sample extraction utensil is ideal for soft tissue extraction that causes minimal damage to the extracted sample. 

$ $

  • $1
  • $2

SP008 - Box Of 600

Intelsius was incorporated as DGP Group in 1998, when the company developed a unique packaging solution designed for the transportation of samples suspected of containing the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, or “Mad Cow Disease”) prion. DGP Group became the first UN-certified BSE sample shipper in the world, within a year.

Sample Extraction Tool

Ergonomically designed, this sample extraction utensil is ideal for soft tissue extraction that causes minimal damage to the extracted sample. 

Minimum quantity for "BSE Spoon" is 600.